SGI Hot Mix 17
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;$Id: r_correlate.pro,v 1.5 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function computes Spearman's (rho) or Kendalls's (tau) rank
; correlation of two n-element vectors. The result is a two-element
; vector containing the rank correlation coefficient and the two-sided
; significance level of its deviation from zero.
; Statistics.
; Result = R_correlate(X, Y)
; X: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double.
; Y: An n-element vector of type integer, float or double.
; KENDALL: If set to a nonzero value, Kendalls's (tau) rank correlation
; is computed. By default, Spearman's (rho) rank correlation is
; computed.
; D: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns the
; sum-squared difference of ranks. If the KENDALL keyword is set
; to a nonzero value, this parameter is returned as zero.
; ZD: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns the
; number of standard deviations by which D deviates from its null-
; hypothesis expected value. If the KENDALL keyword is set to a
; nonzero value, this parameter is returned as zero.
; PROBD: Use this keyword to specify a named variable which returns the
; two-sided significance level of ZD. If the KENDALL keyword is
; set to a nonzero value, this parameter is returned as zero.
; Define two n-element vectors of tabulated data.
; x = [257, 208, 296, 324, 240, 246, 267, 311, 324, 323, 263, 305, $
; 270, 260, 251, 275, 288, 242, 304, 267]
; y = [201, 56, 185, 221, 165, 161, 182, 239, 278, 243, 197, 271, $
; 214, 216, 175, 192, 208, 150, 281, 196]
; Compute Spearman's (rho) rank correlation of x and y.
; result = r_correlate(x, y, d = d, zd = zd, probd = probd)
; The result should be the two-element vector:
; [0.835967, 4.42899e-06]
; The keyword parameters should be returned as:
; d = 218.000, zd = -3.64390, probd = 0.000268542
; Compute Kendalls's (tau) rank correlation of x and y.
; result = r_correlate(x, y, /kendall)
; The result should be the two-element vector:
; [0.624347 0.000118732]
; Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition)
; Cambridge University Press
; ISBN 0-521-43108-5
; Written by: GGS, RSI, Aug 1994
; R_CORRELATE is based on the routines spear.c and kendl1.c
; described in section 14.6 of Numerical Recipes, The Art
; of Scientific Computing (Second Edition), and is used by
; permission.
function betacf, a, b, x
on_error, 2
eps = 3.0e-7
fpmin = 1.0e-30
maxit = 100
qab = a + b
qap = a + 1.0
qam = a - 1.0
c = 1.0
d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap
if(abs(d) lt fpmin) then d = fpmin
d = 1.0 / d
h = d
for m = 1, maxit do begin
m2 = 2.0 * m
aa = m * (b - m) * x / ((qam + m2) * (a + m2))
d = 1.0 + aa*d
if(abs(d) lt fpmin) then d = fpmin
c = 1.0 + aa / c
if(abs(c) lt fpmin) then c = fpmin
d = 1.0 / d
h = h * d * c
aa = -(a + m) *(qab + m) * x/((a + m2) * (qap + m2))
d = 1.0 + aa * d
if(abs(d) lt fpmin) then d = fpmin
c = 1.0 + aa / c
if(abs(c) lt fpmin) then c = fpmin
d = 1.0 / d
del = d * c
h = h * del
if(abs(del - 1.0) lt eps) then return, h
message, 'Failed to converge within given parameters.'
function gammln, xx
coff = [76.18009172947146d0, -86.50532032941677d0, $
24.01409824083091d0, -1.231739572450155d0, $
0.1208650973866179d-2, -0.5395239384953d-5]
stp = 2.5066282746310005d0
x = xx
y = x
tmp = x + 5.5d0
tmp = (x + 0.5d0) * alog(tmp) - tmp
ser = 1.000000000190015d0
for j = 0, n_elements(coff)-1 do begin
y = y + 1.d0
ser = ser + coff[j] / y
return, tmp + alog(stp * ser / x)
function ibeta, a, b, x
on_error, 2
if (x lt 0 or x gt 1) then message, $
'x must be in the interval [0, 1].'
if (x eq 0 or x eq 1) then bt = 0.0 $
else $
bt = exp(gammln(a + b) - gammln(a) - gammln(b) + $
a * alog(x) + b * alog(1.0 - x))
if(x lt (a + 1.0)/(a + b + 2.0)) then return, $
bt * betacf(a, b, x) / a $
else return, 1.0 - bt * betacf(b, a, 1.0-x) / b
pro crank, w, s
n = n_elements(w)
w = [0.0, w] ;operate on elements w[1], ... , w[n] of the
;n+1 element float array, w.
s = 0.0
j = 1
while(j lt n) do begin
if(w[j+1] ne w[j]) then begin
w[j] = j
j = j+1
endif else begin
for jt = j+1, n do begin
if (w[jt] ne w[j]) then goto, case2
jt = n + 1
rank = 0.5 * (j + jt - 1)
for ji = j, jt-1 do $
w[ji] = rank
t = jt - j
s = s + t^3 - t
j = jt
if(j eq n) then w[n] = n
w = w[1:*]
function erfcc, x
z = abs(x)
t = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * z)
erfc = t*exp(-z*z-1.26551223+t*(1.00002368+t*(.37409196+t* $
(.09678418+t*(-.18628806+t*(.27886807+t*(-1.13520398+t* $
if x lt 0 then return, 2.0 - erfc $
else return, erfc
function r_correlate, x, y, kendall = kendall, d = d, zd = zd, probd = probd
on_error, 2
nx = n_elements(x)
if nx le 1 or n_elements(y) le 1 then $
message, 'x and y must be n-element vectors.'
if nx ne n_elements(y) then $
message, 'x and y must be vectors of equal length.'
if keyword_set(kendall) eq 0 then begin ;Spearman's (rho)
type = size(x)
wrkx = x
wrky = y
ixy = sort(wrkx) ;Indexes of "wrkx" in ascending order.
wrkx = wrkx[ixy] ;Rearrangement of "wrkx" according to ixy.
wrky = wrky[ixy] ;Rearrangement of "wrky" according to ixy.
crank, wrkx, sf ;Replace elements of "wrkx" by their rank.
ixy = sort(wrky) ;Indexes of "wrky" in ascending order.
wrkx = wrkx[ixy] ;Rearrangement of "wrkx" according to ixy.
wrky = wrky[ixy] ;Rearrangement of "wrky" according to ixy.
crank, wrky, sg ;Replace elements of "wrky" by their rank.
d = total((wrkx-wrky)^2)
;Free intermediate variables.
wrkx = 0
wrky = 0
ixy = 0
en = nx + 0.0
en3n = en^3 - en
aved = en3n/6.0 - (sf + sg)/12.0
fac = (1.0 - sf/en3n) * (1.0 - sg/en3n)
vard = ((en - 1.0) * en^2 * (en + 1.0)^2 / 36.0) * fac
zd = (d - aved) / sqrt(vard)
probd = erfcc(abs(zd)/1.4142136)
rs = (1.0 - (6.0/en3n) * (d+(sf+sg)/12.0))/sqrt(fac)
fac = (1.0 + rs) * (1.0 - rs)
if (fac gt 0.0) then begin
t = rs * sqrt((en - 2.0)/fac)
df = en - 2
probrs = ibeta(0.5*df, 0.5, df/(df+t^2))
endif else probrs = 0.0
;Return a vector of rank-correlation parameters.
if type[2] eq 5 then begin
d = d+0d & zd = zd+0d & probd = probd+0d
return, [rs, probrs]
endif else begin
d = float(d) & zd = float(zd) & probd = float(probd)
return, float([rs, probrs])
endif else begin ;Kendall's (tau)
nnx = 0.0
nny = 0.0
is = 0.0
;There seems to be no efficient method of avoiding this nested
;FOR loop structure. An alternate method is possible, but requires
;about (1/2 * nx^2) storage and one FOR loop.
for j = 0, nx-2 do begin
for k = j+1, nx-1 do begin
dx = x[j] - x[k]
dy = y[j] - y[k]
aa = dx * dy
if aa ne 0 then begin
nnx = nnx + 1
nny = nny + 1
if aa gt 0 then is = is + 1 $
else is = is - 1
endif else begin
if dx ne 0 then nnx = nnx + 1 $
else if dy ne 0 then nny = nny + 1
d = 0 & zd = 0 & probd = 0 ;Keyword parameters of Spearman's (rho).
tau = is / sqrt(nnx * nny)
var = (4.0 * nx + 10.0) / (9.0 * nx * (nx-1.0))
z = tau / sqrt(var)
prob = erfcc(abs(z) / 1.4142136)
;prob = 1 - errorf(abs(z) / 1.4142136) ;IDL's error function
return, [tau, prob]